ripped this table design directly from Video Wrestling.  If you mind, Kevin, let me know and I will change it.  The idea for a top 15 games of all time idea was also from him.  Well, the inspiration at least.  I suppose naming off your favorite games has been around since the first games.  I've been asking my friends what there's are.  One said Dance Dance Revolution, another said Ultima 4, and my boss said Counterstrike.  Now you can all see what my favorite games are, and in most cases either a reason or anecdote why they are favorites of mine.  These are all opinions, so you may not agree with some of them, but make sure you read the description to find out why I chose it, and don't skip ahead.  You will no doubt find spelling and grammar errors in the text as well.  Just ignore those.  And now, without further adieu, on with the list!
Tetris & Dr. Mario
This one is on the list because of 50% desert island principle, and 50% girlfriend principle.  By desert island principle I mean that if I were stranded on a desert island I would NEED Tetris with me.  By girlfriend principle I mean that it is the only game I could get any of my girlfriends to play with me.  I chose the version I did because it has the best balance and multiplayer of any.  Pokemon almost won this spot, but only if my desert island companion was also a Pokemon fan.
Secret of Mana
This game blew me away because it was extremely long and contained very little backtracking.  Every corner seemed to have a new area to play in, and it had the perfect balance of excellent action and an excellent story.  Building up your weapons was more fun than it was a chore, as was flying around on the dragon, either of which I could do for hours without getting bored.  Playing 2 players or even 3 players when I could find a third friend was a blast too.  With that said, if Square hadn't bastardized the series with Legend of Mana on Playstation I don't think I would remember this one as fondly.
Gunstar Heroes
I remember bringing this game home from Blockbuster and starting it immediately when I got home on the Genesis that I had borrowed from my friend.  When I neared the end of the first stage my mom forced me to turn it off so that she could watch TV.  My mouth watered for an hour straight while I waited for her stupid show to be over so I could get back on the game.  Later that week I traded him Tiny Toon Adventures (ironically another treasure game) for the SNES for his Genesis (he was a little slow), and from then on I was converted from a Nintendo fanboy to a multiplatform commando.
Metal Gear Solid
I feel like I need to defend this game's low position on my list.  It's not that I didn't like it that well, it is on my list after all.  I just feel like I rushed through it a little too fast (I beat the second disc in 1 sitting), making me not appreciate it as much as I probably should have.  My favorite scene is the fight with Psycho Mantis.  The controller on the floor had me rolling.
Final Fantasy VII
What!!!  How can I put VII on here and not IV or VI?  Well, I remember being more into Final Fantasy VII while I was playing it than any other game ever.  I played it every spare minute that I had for three weeks straight until I beat it.  All of my friends would get mad at me because I wouldn't go to eat with them, and if I had a girlfriend I surely would have lost her like I did when Final Fantasy VI came out and when Secret of Mana came out.  The reason it is not further up on my list is that it doesn't sound exciting to play it again now.  I think this is because my tastes are growing away from non-action RPGs, and more toward innovative gaming experiences.
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